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"My Children
And Louie 
As Now "One"

of HIs Holiness, 
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

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"The Introduction"
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Go To "A Copy" of "Bawa Sayings"
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Bawa. My Dearest Loving ChildrenAs Now Part of “Our New Web Site” 
Called “Bawa Sayings- Plus“, And of “Our New Web Page Called “My Children And Louie As Now One” (This Page), We Have Provided 
Download OptionWhich Allows You To Print Out A Full Sized” 
Colored Version of “Each Bawa Saying”, if you like, As It Becomes 
Available, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That is, As It Becomes Available, So That You, And So That All of My Children, Without Exception, Can Put It In “A Frame” And Hang It On “Your Walls”, if you like, Which We Strongly Suggest That All of My Children Start To Do, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, “If You Are A Wise Child”, Now For Our Age, And “Not Just A Foolish Child”, Now For Our Age, As Bawa Teaches Us, And Now As Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, Is Teaching Us Again, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And My Dearest Loving Children, Also Start To Give Out “These Beautifully” Framed, And Decorated, if you like, With Gold Leaf, For Example, “Sayings of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)”, As True “Divine Gifts” of “God” From “The One True Heart” of “God”, Now For Your Age, Now For All Life, To All of “Your Loved Ones”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, To All of “Your Loved Ones”, if you like, That Is, To “Your Family” And To “Your Friends” And To “Everyone” That You Meet And Come To Know In “This True Journey” of “The One True Life” of “God”, Now For Your Age, Now For All Life, All of Whom In Truth Should Most Certainly Be “Your Dearly Loved Ones”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, As Now “The True Divine Gifts” of “God” From “The One True Heart” of “God”, Now For Your Age, Now For All Life, That is, From “The One True Life” of “God”, Now For Your Age, Now For All Life, That Is, of Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, “If You Are A Wise Child”, Now For Our Age, And “Not Just A Foolish Child”, Now For Our Age, As Bawa Teaches Us, And Now As Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, Is Teaching Us Again, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And My Dearest Loving Children, Please Go To And Start To Read "The Following" Love Material Now Being Provided By 

Your Dearest Loving Father, 
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.),
In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”,
And Now By 
Our Dearest Loving Son
And Your Dearest Loving Brother
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), 
In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”,
And Now By 
Our Dearest Loving Grand Son, 
And Your Dearest Loving Son
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), 
In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”,

if you like, 
and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, To Truly Help You, And To Truly Help All of My Children, Without Exception, To Become Truly Successful In "Your Lifetime",  if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, “If You Are A Wise Child”, Now For Our Age, And “Not Just A Foolish Child”, Now For Our Age, As Bawa Teaches Us, And Now As Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, Is Teaching Us Again, and that is for sure. Amen.

 Bawa. That Is, As Now “The Life and Teaching” And “The Heart” And 
The Songs” (See “Song 04” of “The Song Version” of “Our True Story”) of Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, As Now “The Understanding” of “The Life and Teaching” And “The Heart” And “The Songs” (See “The Kalimah Song” And 
The Invocation To The Guru”, And “The Invocation To Allah”) of Your Dearest Loving Father, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, “If You Are A Wise Child”, Now For Our Age, And “Not Just A Foolish Child”, Now For Our Age, As Bawa Teaches Us, And Now As Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, Is Teaching Us Again, and that is for sure. Amen.


Go To "The Home Page
And "The Introduction"
For "Open Heart Galleries"

Go To "The Table of Contents
To "Our True Story"

Go To "Daily Love Letters"
To "My Children,
For "Individual Love Letters"

Go To "Group Love Letters"
To "My Children,
For "The Home Page View" Or "The Other View"

- For Example -
For "Individual Love Letters"

Go To "Love Letter 52", "51", "50, "48", and "47"
To Our Dearest Loving Son Feroz Ibrahi Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.),
Go To "Love Letter 49
To Our Dearest Loving Son AbdAllah de Montreuil Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
Go To "Love Letter 46", "37", "24",
To Our Dearest Loving Son Sabir Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) 
Go To "Love Letter 44", "39", "31", "30", "29", "28", "27", "25", "22",
To My Dearest Loving Daughter Aziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
Go To "Love Letter 43"
To My Dearest Loving Daughter Dion Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.),
Go To "Love Letter 42",
To My Dearest Loving Daughter Carlotta Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
Go To "Love Letter 41", "19",
To My Dearest Loving Son Issa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.),
Go To "Love Letter 40", 
To My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.),
Go To "Love Letter 34", "35", "36",
To My Dearest Loving Older Brother, President Jimmy Carter.

That Is,
To "My Children" From Louie,
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.


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of "Bawa Sayings"


"Saying 01"

Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

​"Never Have The Thought” 
There Is Something
You Have To Do”.


"Saying 02"

​Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

"True Marriage"

From An Unpublished Discourse by
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

Explaining Manonmani's Riddle
In "The Bawa Book" Called
"Maya Veeram"
Go To "A Partial On-line Version" of "The Bawa Book"
(See "Note" At Bottom)


"Marriage is the intermingling of the light within 
the heart and the power of God.

Only when that wisdom and that love
exist within, is one a true man.

Uniting with God
- Only this is marriage.

Whoever believes in this love and
realizes this, his love and God's love
will join and intermingle (As Now "One")

This merging of the two (As Now "One")
is the liberation of the soul.

This Is the kingdom of God.

This Is the marriage of God.

- When the two intermingle (As Now "One")


Manonmani's Riddle
"The Correct Answer"
Her Riddle


Manonmani's Riddle


“Happiness Before You See It,
Sorrow After You See It
And Experience It”


“I will marry anyone 
who can discover 
what brings happiness
before it is seen ...
but brings sorrow 
after it is seen
and experienced.

-- Manonmani


The Correct Answer
Her Riddle
- "Your Current False Marriages" -

That is, 
Your Current Partnership/Relationship/Marriage” 
With Anyone
Or With Anything 
Other Than
"Your One True God

Go To "A Partial On-line Version" of "Maya Veeram"


"Saying 03"

Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

--- In Process ---

End of Page

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"The Table of Contents"
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of "The Bawa Saying - Plus- Home Page

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Download "Saying 01"
Go To "Wisdom Comments" About "Saying 01"
Go To "Saying 02"
Download "Saying 02"
Go To "Wisdom Comments" About "Saying 02"
​(More To Come)
